Thursday, August 27, 2020

Colonialism in The Tempest Essay Essay Example

Expansionism in The Tempest Essay Example Expansionism in The Tempest Essay Paper Expansionism in The Tempest Essay Paper Paper Topic: The Tempest Foundation Information: In 1609 an armada of nine boats set out from England. headed towards John Smith’s Virginia settlement. the main English province in the New World. One of the nine boats was isolated during a brutal tempest and wound up on Bermuda. These wrecked Europeans started colonizing the island and oppressing the local populace. Shakespeare’s Tempest depends on this occurrence. For longer than a century. a figure of pundits have attempted to understand the various components of station expansionism these days in the Tempest. In 1818. the English pundit William Hazlitt was the first to show out that Prospero had usurped Caliban from his guideline of the island and accordingly. was a specialist of dominion. This position gave the balance to present day readings of the Tempest as a station frontier work. Shakespeare’s Tempest is an amalgam of grouped pots pilgrim components: Prospero is an European who has assumed responsibility for a far off island. having the option to make so due to his solid enchanting forces. With these forces. he arranges a life for himself. gets the neighborhood occupants ( Ariel and Caliban ) to work for him. furthermore, keeps up his control by a blend of threats. charms and captivations. what's more, guarantees of opportunity some twenty-four hours. By assuming responsibility for a topographic point which is non his and by practicing his European approval over the bizarre non-European creatures. Prospero can be viewed as an undeniable image for European pioneer power. In any case. Caliban is perhaps the most grounded image of Post expansionism. Caliban. an indigen of the island. regards himself as the legitimate owner of the topographic point. He bluffly states: â€Å"This island’s mine. by Sycorax my female parent. which thou takest from me. † He is constrained without wanting to work Prospero and Miranda. At first. Prospero reaches out to Caliban his European heartfelt gathering. shows him etymological correspondence. furthermore, consequently. is demonstrated all the regular assets of the island by Caliban. However, Caliban will not populate by Prospero’s guidelines. endeavors to violate Miranda. furthermore, their relationship modifications to one of maestro and slave. Shakespeare speaks to each piece Caliban as a â€Å"ignoble savage. † When Trinculo preeminent experiences Caliban. he sees him as a beast. In the wake of wincing with sickening dread from Caliban. Trinculo considers passing on the beast back to England where he can be shown in an oddity appear: â€Å"Were I in England now. as one time I seemed to be. what's more, had however this fish painted. non occasion sap there however would give a bit of Ag: at that spot would this beast make a grown-up male ; any uncommon creature there makes a grown-up male: when they will non give a doit ( coin ) to mitigate a square vagabond. they will put out 10 to see a dead Indian. † Trinculo is referencing to the example of â€Å"exhibiting† Indians for cash in late sixteenth century England. Such â€Å"freak shows† were very beneficial investings and were an ordinary attribute of pilgrim strategy under King James I. Caliban attempts to help Trinculo happen supplement. who may free him from Prospero. his present maestro and Godhead of the island. Caliban smarmily says: â€Å"I prithee. permit me pass on thee where pediculosis pubis develop ; And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts ; Show thee a jay’s home. also, how to trap the dexterous marmoset ; I’ll gain thee To constellating cobnuts and some of the time I’ll procure thee youthful scamels from the stone. Wither thou travel with me? † Powhatan. the local head. had given similar administrations to John Smith’s settlement. After portion of the pioneers passed on in the primary twelvemonth. Powhatan took empathizing and showed the pilgrims how to functions maize. beans. Cucurbita pepos. what's more, squash. Be that as it may. when the wanting British pioneers recuperated their quality. they one time again put about the endeavor of subjugating the local populace. The show closes with Prospero make up ones disapproving to come back to Europe and to decolonise his island and free his slaves. The colonizer sets himself free every piece great. Prospero non only surrenders his island. be that as it may, gives up his enchanting forces that empowered him to order Caliban.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Germany - Essay Example In the first place, Germany has all around developed culture of Music, before, it fruitful ride since it has delivered the best old style music authors of the world who among them; Beethoven and Bach Mozart (Bernstein, 2004).These two artists assumed a significant job during the change face in music when the world was moving from traditional music to sentimental music particularly in the western nations (Bernstein, 2004). It is a direct result of this effective history of music in Germany, that has seen Germany set up the fifth biggest music advertise on the planet and this essentially implies Germany is as yet keen on protecting its way of life in music industry .The way of life of Germany as far as music, has been related to inventiveness not at all like in America where the way of life of music has been impact by individuals moving from the Diaspora and settling in the nation. Germanys have kept up the utilization of customary nourishments. Most eatery in Germany, favor planning conventional nourishments, in spite of the fact that the food contrast from one district to the next. For instance, individuals who remain in the northern piece of Germany, such as eating fish that has been set up in their customary manners while the individuals who remain in the Rhine area lean toward accepting their unique brew when contrasted with wines that are being presented in the nation. By and large, Germania’s have kept up their conventional nourishments and they have opposed any digestion into taking different food sources not at all like in the United States, where dishes that are set up in the different locales shift with the sort of migrants who have settled in those zones Germany has been known for its extraordinary commitment in the field of science, this has been made conceivable by the way that Germany has kept up a solid chronicled back ground in research and experience. A portion of the fields that Germany has been credited for having assumed a key job incorporate; innovation and building (Bernstein, 2004).For model, Johannes Gutenberg was credited for the

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Clear and Persuasive Sentence Using Quotes

How to Write a Clear and Persuasive Sentence Using QuotesNow, how do you write a clear and persuasive sentence using quotes? You have to know that there are some style guides for essay writing, but you can get the best bang for your buck by using those examples.Quotations should be included as part of your thesis statement or conclusion. There are different styles for usage. The fact is that many writers use quotation marks that look like italicized words. This is not only confusing but will definitely distract your reader's attention.It is your duty to make sure that your quotation is placed within quotation marks. If your reader reads your essay, she/he will know exactly what you mean. Additionally, when they find the quotes in the essay, they will also know what to expect.You can bring a number of quotations from real life situations to your essay. The most important thing is to use information to support your thesis statement. If you are just quoting random information, your read ers will not know whether to believe your story or not.When you write with original content, you will be more successful. However, you need to realize that not everyone is a creative writer. For this reason, it is vital that you learn to understand when quotations are appropriate.Furthermore, if you are unsure about whether quotations are used correctly, you may want to send your essay to a professional editor. If you have a few minutes, discuss your writing ideas with an editor. He/she will help you hone in on the problems with your writing.While you may be able to spot a few things with a little help, a good style guide will go a long way. By using the correct citations, you will learn to write in a different manner. With practice, you will be able to successfully write essays using quotations. To the best of your ability, your research should be acceptable to your audience.Finally, remember that writing with quotations should give your reader a clear sentence. Make your readers w ant to learn more.

Friday, May 15, 2020

FAFSA, becas y préstamos para pagar la universidad

Segà ºn el College Board, el costo medio anual de la matrà ­cula en un college o universidad pà ºblica pagando tarifa de residente del estado es de $9.970, mientras que para los no residentes asciende a $25.620. En el caso de estudiar en instituciones privadas el precio se dispara a $34.740. Ademà ¡s, el estudiante o su familia debe pagar por alimentacià ³n, alojamiento, transporte y libros. Debido al alto coste que supone cursar estudios universitarios, muchos estudiantes deben complementar los ahorros e ingresos familiares con becas y otras ayudas e incluso con prà ©stamos. Tome nota: Ayuda econà ³mica para pagar estudios universitarios FAFSA es un formulario del gobierno estadounidense que debe completarse antes de solicitar cualquier tipo de ayuda econà ³mica para cursar estudios superiores.A pesar de que los estudiantes indocumentados, los beneficiarios de DACA y los estudiantes internacionales no pueden obtener fondos a travà ©s de FAFSA, el proceso abre las puertas para otras opciones.Los estudiantes indocumentados, internacionales o beneficiarios de DACA sà ­ pueden aplicar a becas segà ºn los reglamentos de cada una.Los prà ©stamos estudiantiles deben ser el à ºltimo recurso, ya que esos fondos deben pagarse con intereses aunque el estudiante no se gradà ºe o no consiga trabajo.  ¿Quà © es FAFSA? La FAFSA (Aplicacià ³n Gratuita para Ayuda Federal a Estudiantes, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), es un formulario que debe completarse antes de solicitar cualquier tipo de ayuda econà ³mica para cursar estudios superiores, ya sean grados asociados, estudios universitarios de licenciatura, maestrà ­a, doctorado o estudios profesionales (derecho, medicina, etc.). El formulario FAFSA sirve para determinar la cantidad de dinero que se espera que cada estudiante o su familia contribuya a su educacià ³n. Basà ¡ndose en los resultados de la FAFSA, el gobierno federal, los colleges y universidades y las instituciones privadas toman sus decisiones sobre cuà ¡les estudiantes reciben ayuda y el monto apropiado. El formulario FAFSA se puede completar en là ­nea, a travà ©s de la aplicacià ³n de celular myStudentAid  o en papel, y toma aproximadamente una hora completarlo. Para ello es necesario tener a mano los documentos de la declaracià ³n de impuestos (tax returns) y estados de cuenta bancarios. Los estudiantes que pagan impuestos y sus padres pueden acceder a sus datos fiscales por medio de la herramienta IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Si no se pagan impuestos, se debe completar manualmente la informacià ³n econà ³mica que se solicita en el formulario de FAFSA. Los estudiantes internacionales y los migrantes con DACA aprobado que tienen nà ºmero del Seguro Social deben completar el formulario FAFSA si desean aplicar para ayuda econà ³mica para estudiar. El documento debe completarse a pesar de que por ley, tanto los estudiantes internacionales como los muchachos con DACA està ¡n excluidos de recibir cualquier tipo de ayuda federal (Pell Grant, SEOG Grant, Stafford Loan, Perkins Loan, PLUS Loan, y Federal Work-Study). Aunque su FAFSA serà ¡ rechazada, completar la aplicacià ³n abre otras posibilidades de ayuda econà ³mica, ya que otras instituciones como universidades y fundaciones toman como referencia los datos de la FAFSA para decidir a cuà ¡les estudiantes brindar becas y prà ©stamos. Preguntas sobre ciudadanà ­a en la FAFSA Ante la pregunta si se es ciudadano (Are you a U.S. citizen?), los migrantes con DACA y estudiantes internacionales deben responder que no (opcià ³n No, I am not a citizen or eligible noncitizen en el cuestionario). Asimismo, los estudiantes que tengan nà ºmero del Seguro Social pero cuyos padres no lo tengan deben responder 000-00-0000  en la casilla en la que se pregunta por el nà ºmero de los progenitores. Bajo ninguna circunstancia se debe escribir un nà ºmero del Seguro Social falso, ya que serà ­a un fraude de ley. Ademà ¡s, si uno o ambos padres no tienen nà ºmero del Seguro Social el documento no se puede firmar digitalmente. El formulario deberà ¡ ser impreso, firmado manualmente y enviado por correo ordinario. La situacià ³n migratoria de los padres no afecta los resultados de la FAFSA. Plazos para aplicar El 30 de junio de cada aà ±o es el dà ­a tope a nivel federal para entregar el formulario FAFSA. Sin embargo, los estados que conceden ayudas suelen establecer plazos que finalizan con anterioridad, y los colleges y universidades establecen sus fechas là ­mites varios meses antes. Tome nota:  ¿Preguntas sobre el formulario FAFSA? Si durante el proceso de completar el formulario FAFSA surgieran dudas sobre cuà ¡l es la respuesta correcta, se puede marcar al telà ©fono 1-800-433-3242 (1800-4-FED-AID). Becas para estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos Las becas reciben el nombre de grants o scholarships en inglà ©s. Generalmente se utilizan las dos palabras como sinà ³nimos, aunque los grants suelen estar basados en necesidad econà ³mica del estudiante y las  scholarships  en sus mà ©ritos acadà ©micos, deportivos, culturales, etc. Todas las becas son dinero gratis, es decir, el estudiante no està ¡ obligado a devolver su importe. Pell Grant El gobierno federal ayuda a los estudiantes universitarios de bajos ingresos mediante la concesià ³n de las becas Pell. La cantidad que recibe cada estudiante se determina en funcià ³n de varios factores, como los ingresos y tamaà ±o de su familia, el costo de la universidad donde estudie y su condicià ³n de estudiante a tiempo parcial o completo. Ademà ¡s, los estudiantes que son hijos de miembros del cuerpo militar que hayan muerto en Irak o Afganistà ¡n, o de policà ­as fallecidos en su trabajo, podrà ­an recibir una cantidad mayor si tenà ­an menos de 24 aà ±os cuando su progenitor fallecià ³ y està ¡n matriculados para estudiar, como mà ­nimo, a tiempo parcial. Para el curso 2019-2020, la cantidad mà ¡xima que cada estudiante puede recibir en concepto de Pell Grant es de $6.195. Ningà ºn estudiante indocumentado puede beneficiarse de esta ayuda. Los muchachos DACA tambià ©n està ¡n excluidos.Tampoco pueden recibirla los estudiantes internacionales con visa F-1. SEOG Grant La Beca Federal Suplemental para Oportunidad en la Educacià ³n (SEOG, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) se concede a los estudiantes con situaciones econà ³micas familiares muy duras. En general, son estudiantes que ya reciben la beca Pell. La cantidad a recibir por curso varà ­a entre $100 y $4.000. Para este tipo de beca los fondos se entregan por orden de solicitud. Una vez que se acaba el dinero disponible para cada institucià ³n educativa ya no hay mà ¡s recursos para los estudiantes por el resto del aà ±o acadà ©mico.  ¿Dà ³nde encontrar otras becas? Las propias universidades, los estados, fundaciones y negocios conceden becas a nivel local o nacional. Los motivos para conceder estas ayudas pueden ser muy variados. Entre ellos, destacan: necesidad econà ³mica, rendimiento acadà ©mico, apoyo a minorà ­as à ©tnicas o sexuales, excelencia en deportes o cultura, và ­ctimas de enfermedades, membresà ­a en grupos religiosos, discapacidad fà ­sica, etc. Tome nota:  ¿Dà ³nde encontrar becas? El primer lugar para buscar becas por mà ©ritos especà ­ficos es la oficina de ayuda econà ³mica de la institucià ³n donde se estudia. Ademà ¡s, destacan las siguientes pà ¡ginas web:Scholarships.comCollegeNet.comFastWebFinAid.comThe College La mayorà ­a de las becas està ¡n pensadas para ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes permanentes legales. Sin embargo, tambià ©n hay ayuda disponible para estudiantes indocumentados, con y sin DACA, asà ­ como para estudiantes internacionales. Los requisitos, el monto y la fecha tope para aplicar son especà ­ficos de cada beca. Se puede aplicar a varias de ellas, excepto en los casos en los que explà ­citamente se prohiba. Prà ©stamos estudiantiles Segà ºn el reloj de cà ¡lculo de deuda estudiantil de FindAid, en EE.UU. se debe mà ¡s de $1.649.965.000.000 por prà ©stamos estudiantiles, es decir, mà ¡s de lo que se adeuda en tarjetas de crà ©dito y dà ©bito conjuntamente. En la actualidad, el pago de los prà ©stamos estudiantiles es un serio problema, por lo que se recomienda aceptar solo la cantidad que realmente se necesita y no el total del monto ofertado. Cabe destacar que los prà ©stamos deben pagarse aà ºn cuando el estudiante no finalice sus estudios o no tenga trabajo. Solo en casos excepcionales se permite el perdà ³n de esta deuda. Como regla general, declararse en bancarrota no elimina la obligacià ³n de pagar este tipo de prà ©stamos. Stafford Loan Los estudiantes universitarios pueden recibir prà ©stamos con y sin subsidio por un mà ¡ximo entre $5.500 to $12.500 por curso acadà ©mico, dependiendo del aà ±o de sus estudios y su estatus familiar de dependiente de sus padres o independiente (soltero o casado). Los estudiantes de maestrà ­a, doctorado y grados profesionales pueden recibir un mà ¡ximo de $20.500 por curso en prà ©stamos subsidiados y solicitar cantidades mayores en prà ©stamos no subsidiados. Este prà ©stamo federal puede ser con subsidio para estudiantes con necesidad econà ³mica, y sin subsidiar para el resto. Para los prà ©stamos otorgados entre el 1 de julio de 2019 y el 30 de junio de 2020, el interà ©s es del 4.53% para estudiantes universitarios y del 6.08% para estudiantes de maestrà ­a, doctorado y grados profesionales. Federal Perkins Loan Por ley federal, estos prà ©stamos populares entre los estudiantes ya no està ¡n disponibles desde junio de 2018. Parent PLUS Loan Los padres biolà ³gicos o adoptivos de un estudiante pueden solicitar este prà ©stamo que tiene un interà ©s fijo del 7.08%. No pueden solicitarlo los abuelos ni los encargados legales del estudiante. Para aprobar este prà ©stamo se verifica el historial crediticio del progenitor que lo solicita. Bancos privados Los bancos y cajas de ahorro pueden aprobar prà ©stamos estudiantiles. Los intereses suelen ser altos y frecuentemente solicitan que, ademà ¡s del estudiante, firme otra persona. El administrador de ayuda financiera de la institucià ³n en la que se estudia debe certificar estos prà ©stamos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflections on Privatization and Criminal Justice Essays

Reflections on Privatization and Criminal Justice Thank you very much for the welcome, and for giving my talk. When the Fraser Institute called me last year, they rang up and said they were having a conference and we would like to invite you, and I thought I think you have the wrong person. Basically, everybody else there, except myself and one person from Nova Scotia, were in favour of privatization and very strongly in favour of it, especially with respect to prisons. It was actually very educational and interesting to engage in that debate. First of all I would like to thank you very much for the invitation and to wish you all the best with your new programme. I am glad that you have asked me to speak about privatization and criminal†¦show more content†¦So on the one hand we are surrounded by the phenomenon and on the other hand we dont know as much about it as we should. Even my own work, I might add, privatization is more or less a tangent for me as I do other areas of research. I think it is indication that very few people in Canada, criminologists, are systematically focussing on this but I keep getting roped back into this. I just wish I had three lives at once so that I could pursue it the way I really want to. Privatization is an area that really needs attention, and lets hope that students here at St. Thomas are going to take this up. Let me just mention one or two topics that need attention. Many people talk about privatization in criminal justice, including myself, mention that it is likely that private companies will try and influence criminal justice policy in various places. Yet when you look for the empirical support for this there is very little factual information there. Or we talk a bit about the decline of the military in industrial conflicts, the end of the Cold War, and new markets opening up for these companies internationally and we see some of the companies moving from the United States into Britain, Australia and now also Canada, and we hear things about them moving into La tin American countries and East European countries, but again this international dimension is one that there has been very little systematic research on. So the whole area is just begging forShow MoreRelatedArticle Critique Of Prison Privatization967 Words   |  4 Pages Article Critiques of Prison Privatization Tammy Martin Liberty University Abstract The following paper will examine two articles pertaining to prison privatization, and the reasons for advocacy for prison privatization, or for the opposition of prison privatization. Three authors write the first article examined the authors are Shaun Genter, Gregory Hooks, and Clayton Mosher. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Statistics Quantitative Methods

Question: Discuss about the Business Statisticsfor Quantitative Methods. Answer: Introduction The selected article tends to highlight the retail trade data for January 2017. Further, using various statistical tools and techniques, an analysis of the retail trade has been carried out which seeks to identify the various causal factors that are responsible for the witnessed trend. Additionally, a more detailed breakup of the various constituent categories and the underlying trends have also been highlighted. In wake of the above article and the findings contained therein, the objective of the given essay is to highlight the usage of various statistical techniques, variation measures, summarization and description of the data presented in the given article. Besides, suggestions have also been offered on how improvements can be done so as provide better and more relevant analysis of the given data. Analysis The given article tends to capture the trends with regards to retail trade in Australia in January 2017. Also, analysis of the same has been provided by taking into consideration the key determinants particularly consumer confidence. Since, all the data included in the given article is of numerical type where clear definition of zero exists, hence the appropriate data type is ratio. Further, the increase in various parameters is expressed using percentage which tends to draw a comparison of the current value with the previous value in order to derive meaningful information about economic growth (Flick, 2015). The visual approach to data presentation has been relied on where the relevant data is presented in the graphical form so as to enable the reader to make it understandable. In this respect, the corresponding data in the same month of the previous years has been presented so as to allow the reader to draw conclusions. Besides, the annual trend in the movement of retail trade has also been captured for various states so as to highlight the retail trade trend at the level of various states which improves the overall understanding or users. Finally, the movement of the key components of retail trend has also been graphically captured in order to draw conclusion about the contributory factors in the movement of retail trade value (Eriksson Kovalainen, 2015). The given article uses descriptive statistics since the focus is on describing the actual trends with regards to retail trade and to facilitate a comparison using various measures of descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics does not have any relevance here as the data in itself is essentially population data which is computed using pre=determined formula. Thus, the objective here is to present the retail trade data for January 2017 and allow the user to draw conclusions through the use of descriptive statistics which is limited not only to the current period but goes back to the historical period so as to allow the formation of time series which would allow the users to put the current data into perspective (Hair et. al., 2015). In the given article, emphasis is given on drawing the relationships between retail trade and the respective contributory factors in a bid to explain the relative movement by developing a causal relationship of retail trade with factors such as consumer confidence, household savings rate along with tourism. However, no exact model has not been developed to explain the relationship between these variables which is not necessary as the impact of these variables on retail spending and retail trade is already established in the available literature. Thus, focus has been more on the directional movements relying on the underlying correlation between the data (Fehr Grossman, 2003). For instance, a higher consumer confidence would result in higher retail spending and higher value of retail trade. Yet, another example is the tourism industry where a higher number of tourists would provide a boost to the retail sales. Thus, there seems to be correlation between the above mentioned two variab les and the relationship is upward sloping and positive. Thus, relying on these established relationships, the article tends to go beyond merely stating the fact s and aims to put things into perspective. With regards to the improvements in the information presented, the data about the exact variation in the retail trade data when compared annually and also using the corresponding months from previous years may also be represented. This would allow the users to understand the variability in the retail trade and to decipher the stability in the economy (Hastie, Tibshirani Friedman, 2011). A stable and growing economy would result in consistent growth of the retail trade while a economy passing through a turbulent phase would tend to show variations on either sides which tends to dampen the overall investor confidence in the economic growth going forward. Additionally with regards to presentation, a pragmatic suggestion would be to club the various graphs with their corresponding explanation in a tabular form so as to ensure that the presentation becomes more systematic. Summary It is apparent from the above discussion that the current article deals with the presentation of retail trade data corresponding to January 2017. Since all the data can be numerically expressed and have a well defined absolute zero, hence the data type deployed is essentially ratio type. Further, visual presentation has been given focus so as to facilitate understanding in a minimal amount of space available while making it interesting for the users. The article has used only descriptive statistics and based on the various available data, logical conclusions have been drawn. In this regard, causal relationship between the various determinants of retail trade and factors measured has been utilized to offer explanation to the users. For improving the given data, presentation is one aspect while variation of the retail trade in an appropriate time series may be imperative for the relevant stakeholders to understand the underlying economic stability. References Eriksson, P. Kovalainen, A. (2015).Quantitative methods in business research (3rded.). London: Sage Publications. Fehr, F. H., Grossman, G. (2003).An introduction to sets, probability and hypothesis testing (3rded.). Ohio: Heath. Flick, U. 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